In Pawn Shop, you're a powerful mage fulfilling clients' wishes by summoning demons!

Consult the grimoire for recipes matching each wish. Navigate shelves for ingredients, but choose carefully to avoid mishaps. Complete the ritual to summon the right demon, or face the wrath and disappointment of... your client.

Control the game with your mouse, using it to explore the store, access the grimoire, and select ingredients. Drag and drop ingredients into the summoning circle to perform the ritual.

Forge your path as a skilled summoner, mastering the art of invocation to satisfy your customers' desires.

We hope you will have fun playing this game ! 

Game art was made for the jam by @Mance (except for the demons)

Rest of the game was made by @fabiole and @donamougou

Published 13 days ago
TagsCute, demon, ludum-dare-55, summon, summoning

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